Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What Job Shortage

The SHTA and other business organizations on St. Maarten are claiming serious job losses in the next few months but one look in the newspapers and you have to doubt if this is really the case.
Earlier this week a major hotel business threatened government with firing staff if something is not done to promote the island. I thought Government was already busy with that?
My opinion is that we have very few scrupulous businessmen on St. Maarten. They don't care about St. Maarten or her well being, all they think about is their profits. This is to be expected since we, as people, pretty much behave the same. Even local businessmen have forgotten to respect and love St. Maarten.
My point is, if we are to suffer job loss in the immediate future how come we have so many employment opportunities every single day in the papers? Am I missing something? It seems to me that many of the businesses are trying to take advantage of the situation, soon we will here them ask government for tax breaks and much more. The thing is that it has been proven that giving the people tax breaks benefit the economy MUCH more than corporate tax breaks, but it's not the people that give donations to politicians, Is IT?

Saturday, February 21, 2009

What up with the repaired roads?

Has anyone but me noticed that when they fix roads on St. Maarten instead of the roads getting wider, they actually get narrower. A good example is the A. T. Illidge Road in the area of the New Amsterdam Center. They are currently repairing the road and they are making road narrower because they are adding sidewalks and bus stops.
I applaud the fixing of the roads but we need to make the road better not worse.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Home Recovering

If you didn't know by now, I was in a semi-serious motorcycle accident just over 2 weeks ago (January 31). I am now at home, after 16 days in the hospital. I want to thank all well wishers who called and visited me in the hospital and those who are still calling.
I expect to be partially recovered in just over a month, the left leg will take a bit longer. The good part is that I can add things to my blog somewhat more frequently. So stay tuned.