For those not familiar with the situation, here’s a quick synopsis:
· Laveist is picked up for questioning by the RST (Detectives)
· Sarah calls for him to resign from the Island Council making the way clear for Erno to take over his seat.
· Laveist resigns from the DP and declares himself an independent.
· Laviest contacts the media and declares he will support the NA.
· Negotiations start and Theo is included.
· DP contacts Brother (Hyacinth) and Samuel and offers them both Commissioner seats.
· Samuel refuses immediately but Hyacinth and / or his family start talking to DP members.
· Theo balks and goes in limbo waiting for what will happen with the volleyball.
· Hyacinth expresses his support for the NA in a press conference.
· In the press conference NA leader Marlin puts the cards on the table, exposing all that was discussed and what was promised.
· DP contacts Laveist and convinces (read pays) him to return to the DP fold.
· We now await the IC meeting to see how this all will play out.
The rumor is that a large sum of money was promised to Laveist to continue supporting the DP. I for one don’t blame the politicians, I blame US, the people. We are the ones that every election force the politicians to accept large sums of money in order to “help us out”, ignoring party manifestos, qualifications, experience, past performance and most importantly, HONOR!
So if it is indeed true that Laveist accepted money and change his mind, it’s our fault. Ultimately, very few businessmen / businesswomen are going to give any politician large sums of money without expecting something in return.
Judging from the large expensive campaign that some politicians run, it is clear that there are several deals on the table that will make businesses and politicians rich while leaving us in the cold.
But ya, WE LIKE IT SO!
This blog specially for all the DP supporters out there complaining (Mike Ferrier, Franky Meyers, ect). Let’s see who you support next election.