Saturday, December 13, 2008

Time For Dr. Scot To Practice Medicine!!!

I have always been a proponent that not every person that is working as a doctor, technician or some other specialized job should necessarily be put in management. I believe that before they are thrust into a management position that they should be allowed the opportunity to follow some management courses.

Now I am not aware if Dr. Scot, present Director of the Medical Center, has followed any such training but from the information coming from the Medical Center in the last few weeks we can assume that this is not the case. It must be clear to everyone that decisions made by the Director during this period was not in the best interest of the overall health care of the island.

It now seems like the Randy Friday saga is only the top of the iceberg. They say everything happens for a reason and we can now see the reason Dr. Friday was given such a hard time. If Government and the Board are to do the right thing then when this is all over and Dr. Friday’s clinic is open we can expect better overall healthcare.

It’s time for Government to instruct the board to terminate Dr. Scot as the Director and offer him a job in the medical profession. That way he can continue to make a living. The other decision would be to hire a temporary manager to setup a structure that would not allow this to happen again. It is inconceivable to me that one man can keep the health care of an entire island under his control. Regulation is require in this case and many others.

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