Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Education on St. Maarten

I always accuse people on St. Maarten of exploiting others, our entire economy is based on this exploitation. I have intimate knowledge that this is occurring to immigrant students at various schools. Now I am not accusing this educational facility of doing this as this may be the exception to the rule but I still do not support Government subsidy to these so-called immigrant schools.
If Government wants to provide subsidy to these children, they should construct more schools and allow these children, as the compulsory education laws states, a place in a recognized school. in this environment at least we, tax payers, know or at least suspect that they are getting a good education. The same cannot be said of uncontrolled schools. I have a problem giving my tax money to an institution when the results are not even remotely guaranteed.
Now the real problem is immigrants, sometimes illegal bringing their children to St. Maarten and not being able to get them in a recognized school. I got a solution for this, make the bringing of children and having them overstay as a reason for revoking someones residence permit. So if you bring in your child, even is you are legally residing on St. Maarten, and your child is illegal you would lose your legal status.
What also puzzles me in this entire situation is how much was the monthly rent to have an outstanding of over 70,000. It looks to me like a mortgage might have been a better solution.


Anonymous said...

I have read and fully agreed with your views of our educational system where illegals are concern. but lately i was wondering when a person passes the age to be qualified to get a scholarship (25) i think!! what are the options for them to get an education with the help of our local government (soft loan/ scolarship etc)? my reason for this concern is becauase i see a lot of young people especially ladies in their late twenties that did not get the opportunity to further there studies due to various reasons teen-age pregnancy/finace ect. but they still have the initiative to become someone in life.

Kendall 's National Blog said...

Well A,

there are several programs that yong women and men can follow to educate themselves after the age of 25. I believe the 25 age limit was for college scholarships only and even there exceptions have been made.
I think a hospitality training school along with a decision by government that only persons passing some sort of hospitality course is allowed to work in casinoes, hotels, restaurants and such.
That would curtail somewhat the propensity of illegals working in these areas. By e.g. giving them a card or some other proof that they pass the course. Control would then be easier.
Sorry for late answer, will be more active now though.