Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Labor Policy

I finally read the new labor policy (the english version) and I really don't see how this policy will put small businesses out of business. What small business got to do is hire legal residents and pay them a decent salary. If you ask me a lot of business people on the island take too much money out of their business for themselves leaving little for the employees. Not because you own a business does it mean you have to be rich, as long as you can live a good middle class life you can be considered successful.
I see business people on St. Maarten living the high life while their employees live in shacks, swimming through sewage and sending their children to poorly equipped schools. Locals (read legal residents) never keep these jobs because of the lack of benefits and proper payment.
The one thing I don't agree with in the labor policy (English version) is the fact that long time residents have no provision to become permanent residents. Having the employee be dependent on the employer for their papers is not good. Some employers use this as a form of coercion to exploit the employee. The policy should have included a provision that if the worker is terminated before the work permit expires that the employer would have to take care of the cost for repatriation to the country of origin. Also the employer should be held accountable if the employee becomes illegal. Some sort of a fine should be put in place.

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