Thursday, January 8, 2009

Holland says no!!!

The discussions in Aruba with the Parliamentary delegation is not going as planned. In fact, Holland is telling both Curacao and St. Maarten that they are not ready. St. Maarten must admit that this is not a surprise. The Kingdom is responsible for good governance and as such they have to make sure that law and order is in place before any status change among other things.
We all must admit that for the past 10 years, laws have been stretched, corruption has been rampant, and the people have been neglected. We should all be happy that Holland is not just allowing the politicians to implement lackluster controls and ambiguous laws. Could you just imagine what chaos we would be in if the current gov't was allowed to continue to operate as they have been doing the last two terms.
If you ask this blogger, there are not enough measures put in place to guarantee proper governance. A few aspects that are not mentioned enough are, public financial records of incoming and outgoing Ministers and Senators, election finance reform (no public vote buying), small claims court, constituent electoral system etc.

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