Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Changing of Statute

In order to change the status of the islands, the statute has to be changed giving St. Maarten and Curacao country status and establishing the BES islands. My opinion of the comment by Blijden made to my previous post about elections slated for 2010 and how the politicians would get over that hurdle.
I have three opinions, St. Maarten can maintain the January 1st, 2010 date regardless of having all departments transferred. Request assistance from Holland to finance the maintaining of the branch offices by temporary personnel from Curacao. These temporary workers would train local personnel to take over the jobs in due time.
Option 2 would be that we have the elections for a 15 seat parliament for country St. Maarten as scheduled. We would have to change the law to allow this. When the transfer is ready, the 15 members would become the first parliament and would elect the ministers and state secretaries.
Option 3 would be to change the statute and postpone the Central Government election until such time that the islands are ready for the change.

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