Friday, June 19, 2009

DP in oppostion

It is no secret that I have for a long time been saying that DP belongs in opposition because like many of their supporters, they are all talk and no action. This is unfortunately the role of the opposition in our system.
Even strong DP supporters must admit that the DP is better in opposition. See how since being only in opposition a few weeks, there are criticism and advice raining down from the DP. Didn't they know this when they were in government. Especially the former leader of government all of a sudden realizes that we need to build schools in the Belvedere and Cay Hill areas. Almost 20 years she has had the education portfolio and not one school built. Guess she was waiting to go into opposition to criticize and let someone else do the work, while she talks.
It seems like she is very upset about losing her government and is looking to lay claim on everyone and everything around he. Like Micheal Jackson says, man (or in this case woman) in the mirror. This DP Government has been shaky from the very inception. It was a public secret that she preferred someone other than Laveist as Commissioner but her own rule about most votes came back to bite her in the behind.
Then her leadership disabilities came to light when all common sense indicated that Maria Buncamper should have resigned and run things from the background. However, she crumbled to pressure and re-appointed a commissioner to no ones surprise.
This lack of leadership abilities is what ultimately led to the downfall of the DP Government and if the Green party becomes a reality there will be a long time before we see DP in gov't (at least alone) again.
Warning: Don't count her out though, she has one very good ability. Getting Votes. Ask Theo.

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