Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Real Leadership from National Alliance

In just two weeks, the leader of the National Alliance has signed an accord for the transfer of Central Government task to the island territory of St. Maarten, a major step in achieving a change of status for the island. The leader of the Opposition Democratic Party, Sarah Wescott Williams had challenged the National Alliance to get the Constitutional Train back on track and even the staunchest DP supporter must admit that the train has been shifted to 5th gear. In politics you have to be careful what you wish for because you might just get it.
The agreement signed by William Marlin indicates that the Central Government will open branches of all government offices and functions not presently on St. Maarten. The offices will begin to be opened in October with all offices opened by January 1st 2010. The idea being that St. Maarteners be employed in these departments and trained by Central Government employees to take over the positions that are necessary for Country St. Maarten. Not only will all the offices be open by January 1st 2010 but St. Maarten is to be in full control of all departments by this date, a major step in attaining self sufficiency.
Not only will the Central Government establish the various departments but they will also bear the financial burden of all the offices. William Marlin and his team must be commended for this step and negotiating such a deal that is clearly in favor of St. Maarten. Unfortunately, DP Leader Sarah Wescott Williams did not attend the meeting commenting in the media that since William Marlin had so much criticism with her leading he should go about it alone. After the above results, I think that maybe she should not go on any more of the trips.
Many people (including me) had our doubts if January 1st 2010 was a feasible date mostly because of the lack of information coming from the former DP led Government. Now I still got doubts that all the necessary steps for full internal self government can be accomplished by this date but I do feel that a date later in 2010 is feasible. I am curious as to what the political minded people that read this blog think.

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