Wednesday, June 10, 2009

New Government in 'power'

A new Executive Council was elected by the Island Council, with the balance of power shifting from the failed (in my opinion) leadership of Sarah Wescott to the leadership of William Marlin.
The Executive Council can't possibly be any worse that what we had before and both William and Theo are known for getting projects off the ground. However the concentration of this EC along with the obvious changes (schools, roads, housing) will be to move towards a new status. With a new status comes along the changes that will help to curtail a lot of the things that is wrong with Gov't. The changes include the Ombudsman, transparency of gov't officials, campaign finance reform, environmental protection, sensible labor policies, improve transportation etc. etc. All these laws need to be put in place now because we all know that this is one of the prerequisites to any status change.

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