Thursday, July 9, 2009

Sometime licks is good for all

In all my years involved in politics, I cannot recall the DP having a congress. It as if the party has suddenly wake up and realize that just sticking a few hundred dollars in someones hand during election time will not guarantee you staying in power.
In order to get the 'intelligent' vote, you got to be more structured as a party and have solid ideas that people can view and rate during your governing term.
It is funny that Sarah is asking William about his governing accord which was to be ready last week. In 20 years under her rule, I have never seen a governing accord. Now it is possible that they had one and I never saw it, but seeing the haphazard way that Sarah allows her government to run I doubt they ever had one and if they did have one they ignored it.
In my weekly radio program on 1300 PJD2 on Wednesday's, my cohost Lyzanne asked me if I thought that my prediction that DP is better fit for Opposition and the NA better fit for Governing. I leave you to judge that in just the one month the NA is in Government.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Turmoil in China

We always say in St. Maarten that black people can't work together but seeing what is going on in China the past few days, I realized that not only do black people have issues with each other light skinned dark skinned etc but other races do to. The difference is that for economical reasons when these other 'races' are outside of their country of origin they put these differences aside and work together for their benefit. When will we learn that??

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Changing of Statute

In order to change the status of the islands, the statute has to be changed giving St. Maarten and Curacao country status and establishing the BES islands. My opinion of the comment by Blijden made to my previous post about elections slated for 2010 and how the politicians would get over that hurdle.
I have three opinions, St. Maarten can maintain the January 1st, 2010 date regardless of having all departments transferred. Request assistance from Holland to finance the maintaining of the branch offices by temporary personnel from Curacao. These temporary workers would train local personnel to take over the jobs in due time.
Option 2 would be that we have the elections for a 15 seat parliament for country St. Maarten as scheduled. We would have to change the law to allow this. When the transfer is ready, the 15 members would become the first parliament and would elect the ministers and state secretaries.
Option 3 would be to change the statute and postpone the Central Government election until such time that the islands are ready for the change.

Real Leadership from National Alliance

In just two weeks, the leader of the National Alliance has signed an accord for the transfer of Central Government task to the island territory of St. Maarten, a major step in achieving a change of status for the island. The leader of the Opposition Democratic Party, Sarah Wescott Williams had challenged the National Alliance to get the Constitutional Train back on track and even the staunchest DP supporter must admit that the train has been shifted to 5th gear. In politics you have to be careful what you wish for because you might just get it.
The agreement signed by William Marlin indicates that the Central Government will open branches of all government offices and functions not presently on St. Maarten. The offices will begin to be opened in October with all offices opened by January 1st 2010. The idea being that St. Maarteners be employed in these departments and trained by Central Government employees to take over the positions that are necessary for Country St. Maarten. Not only will all the offices be open by January 1st 2010 but St. Maarten is to be in full control of all departments by this date, a major step in attaining self sufficiency.
Not only will the Central Government establish the various departments but they will also bear the financial burden of all the offices. William Marlin and his team must be commended for this step and negotiating such a deal that is clearly in favor of St. Maarten. Unfortunately, DP Leader Sarah Wescott Williams did not attend the meeting commenting in the media that since William Marlin had so much criticism with her leading he should go about it alone. After the above results, I think that maybe she should not go on any more of the trips.
Many people (including me) had our doubts if January 1st 2010 was a feasible date mostly because of the lack of information coming from the former DP led Government. Now I still got doubts that all the necessary steps for full internal self government can be accomplished by this date but I do feel that a date later in 2010 is feasible. I am curious as to what the political minded people that read this blog think.

Friday, June 19, 2009

DP in oppostion

It is no secret that I have for a long time been saying that DP belongs in opposition because like many of their supporters, they are all talk and no action. This is unfortunately the role of the opposition in our system.
Even strong DP supporters must admit that the DP is better in opposition. See how since being only in opposition a few weeks, there are criticism and advice raining down from the DP. Didn't they know this when they were in government. Especially the former leader of government all of a sudden realizes that we need to build schools in the Belvedere and Cay Hill areas. Almost 20 years she has had the education portfolio and not one school built. Guess she was waiting to go into opposition to criticize and let someone else do the work, while she talks.
It seems like she is very upset about losing her government and is looking to lay claim on everyone and everything around he. Like Micheal Jackson says, man (or in this case woman) in the mirror. This DP Government has been shaky from the very inception. It was a public secret that she preferred someone other than Laveist as Commissioner but her own rule about most votes came back to bite her in the behind.
Then her leadership disabilities came to light when all common sense indicated that Maria Buncamper should have resigned and run things from the background. However, she crumbled to pressure and re-appointed a commissioner to no ones surprise.
This lack of leadership abilities is what ultimately led to the downfall of the DP Government and if the Green party becomes a reality there will be a long time before we see DP in gov't (at least alone) again.
Warning: Don't count her out though, she has one very good ability. Getting Votes. Ask Theo.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

New Government in 'power'

A new Executive Council was elected by the Island Council, with the balance of power shifting from the failed (in my opinion) leadership of Sarah Wescott to the leadership of William Marlin.
The Executive Council can't possibly be any worse that what we had before and both William and Theo are known for getting projects off the ground. However the concentration of this EC along with the obvious changes (schools, roads, housing) will be to move towards a new status. With a new status comes along the changes that will help to curtail a lot of the things that is wrong with Gov't. The changes include the Ombudsman, transparency of gov't officials, campaign finance reform, environmental protection, sensible labor policies, improve transportation etc. etc. All these laws need to be put in place now because we all know that this is one of the prerequisites to any status change.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

GEBE wants 10% salary increase

In normal companies and normal societies, a normal yearly increase is in the range of 2 to 4% with the latter being extremely high. Other companies give an increase based on the cost of living increase.
Things have definitely increase in cost over the past 3 years but I don't think a total assessment of the cost of living was 25%. GEBE i accused of some over the top profits but if the union gets through with this increase, this will seriously cut into the profits or .................. GEBE bills will increase.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Republican Meeting

For those of you that pay attention to US politics, read on. The Conservatives had a meeting that was well covered by the media, and here are some things that caught my attention.
1. The Republicans still can't come up with a different idea on how to solve the problems the US is facing right now.
2. Republicans have the ostrich mentality which says if you stick your head in the sand long enough the problem will go away.
3. The best speaker at the conference was a 13 year old boy.
4. Republicans keep talking about Reagan as being a hero and claim they need a hero like Reagan. Is this the same Reagan who claimed that trees, yes TREES, add more carbon dioxide to the environment and by all accounts was going senile pretty much from the beginning of his second term. Good hero Republicans, a man whose brain activity left him and who thought trees added to our pollution.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What Job Shortage

The SHTA and other business organizations on St. Maarten are claiming serious job losses in the next few months but one look in the newspapers and you have to doubt if this is really the case.
Earlier this week a major hotel business threatened government with firing staff if something is not done to promote the island. I thought Government was already busy with that?
My opinion is that we have very few scrupulous businessmen on St. Maarten. They don't care about St. Maarten or her well being, all they think about is their profits. This is to be expected since we, as people, pretty much behave the same. Even local businessmen have forgotten to respect and love St. Maarten.
My point is, if we are to suffer job loss in the immediate future how come we have so many employment opportunities every single day in the papers? Am I missing something? It seems to me that many of the businesses are trying to take advantage of the situation, soon we will here them ask government for tax breaks and much more. The thing is that it has been proven that giving the people tax breaks benefit the economy MUCH more than corporate tax breaks, but it's not the people that give donations to politicians, Is IT?

Saturday, February 21, 2009

What up with the repaired roads?

Has anyone but me noticed that when they fix roads on St. Maarten instead of the roads getting wider, they actually get narrower. A good example is the A. T. Illidge Road in the area of the New Amsterdam Center. They are currently repairing the road and they are making road narrower because they are adding sidewalks and bus stops.
I applaud the fixing of the roads but we need to make the road better not worse.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Home Recovering

If you didn't know by now, I was in a semi-serious motorcycle accident just over 2 weeks ago (January 31). I am now at home, after 16 days in the hospital. I want to thank all well wishers who called and visited me in the hospital and those who are still calling.
I expect to be partially recovered in just over a month, the left leg will take a bit longer. The good part is that I can add things to my blog somewhat more frequently. So stay tuned.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Labor Policy

I read the labor policy and I have yet to find lots of things wrong with it but I did find a few things wrong with it.
1. if Gov't will only give permits for skilled workers what about jobs for unskilled workers like car washer, domestic help and other jobs that traditionally are not usually performed by locals.
2. How did Gov't expect businesses to implement these measures in such a short time. After reading the document, it is clear that a period of two to three years had to be put in place in order to fully implement these measures. It is simply not possible to implement it so soon. Need proof, the measure was implemented since January 12th have you seen any difference in the workforce? Of course not, it can't be done with such short notice.
Advice would be to give a realistic period as to when the measures can go into place. Giving the businesses time to make the required adjustments. The measures will have a serious financial impact on our society because labor cost will be higher and no doubt the business will pass on the higher cost to us raising the cost of living. Something I have not heard anyone comment on as yet.
Another important measure is to construct a Polytechnic school as was suppose to be done 15 years ago. That way, St. Maarten would have the skilled construction workers, maintenance men, plumbers, air conditioning repairs etc. to fill the void left by departing foreign labor. Not to mention the change of mentality necessary in our young people to actually take the jobs that are available on in this market.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Education on St. Maarten

I always accuse people on St. Maarten of exploiting others, our entire economy is based on this exploitation. I have intimate knowledge that this is occurring to immigrant students at various schools. Now I am not accusing this educational facility of doing this as this may be the exception to the rule but I still do not support Government subsidy to these so-called immigrant schools.
If Government wants to provide subsidy to these children, they should construct more schools and allow these children, as the compulsory education laws states, a place in a recognized school. in this environment at least we, tax payers, know or at least suspect that they are getting a good education. The same cannot be said of uncontrolled schools. I have a problem giving my tax money to an institution when the results are not even remotely guaranteed.
Now the real problem is immigrants, sometimes illegal bringing their children to St. Maarten and not being able to get them in a recognized school. I got a solution for this, make the bringing of children and having them overstay as a reason for revoking someones residence permit. So if you bring in your child, even is you are legally residing on St. Maarten, and your child is illegal you would lose your legal status.
What also puzzles me in this entire situation is how much was the monthly rent to have an outstanding of over 70,000. It looks to me like a mortgage might have been a better solution.

Laugh Out Loud Government

To call St. Maarten a Banana Republic is a gross understatement. They have to invent a new word to describe the foolishness of the Government on this island. In any other Island in the Caribbean even the suspicion of wrong doing would be enough for a Minister to resign. In St. Maarten a Commissioner is actually arrested and held for 9 days and charges are pending against him but yet he is allowed to maintain his function as a Commissioner.
How is this possible you ask? Well in St. Maarten, we have a political party that has the idea that they should remain in power no matter what. So since this entails compromising and in some instances eliminating principles, the island is suffers.
I don't however blame the Commissioner, I blame the leader! It was the leader who after the Commish was arrested went to him only to ask him to resign, not only his Executive Position but also his Elected position. Now after he resigned from the party and shook the Government led by her, he is the best thing since slice bread.
It was this same leader whose slogan was Country above Self, what a joke THAT turned out to be.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

It's About Time

It took long enough but there are now some serious action being taken by the Opposition. Frans Richardson was in the media explaining that the Opposition was bringing a motion to the Island Council for the Board of the St. Maarten Medical Center (SMMC) to either give instruction to Cr. Scot to allow Dr. Friday to open his clinic or be removed from the Board.
I applaud this move but it has taken far too long for the Opposition to make this serious step. This step should have been taken one week after the so-called opening of the clinic, not 4 months. After all the DP Commissioners were there supporting Dr. Friday.
It was time to put Government to the test. To many time politicians say things that they don’t really mean, and in my opinion it is the duty of the opposing politicians to call them out on it. The NA doesn’t seem to understand this or don’t like to do it.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Labor Policy

I finally read the new labor policy (the english version) and I really don't see how this policy will put small businesses out of business. What small business got to do is hire legal residents and pay them a decent salary. If you ask me a lot of business people on the island take too much money out of their business for themselves leaving little for the employees. Not because you own a business does it mean you have to be rich, as long as you can live a good middle class life you can be considered successful.
I see business people on St. Maarten living the high life while their employees live in shacks, swimming through sewage and sending their children to poorly equipped schools. Locals (read legal residents) never keep these jobs because of the lack of benefits and proper payment.
The one thing I don't agree with in the labor policy (English version) is the fact that long time residents have no provision to become permanent residents. Having the employee be dependent on the employer for their papers is not good. Some employers use this as a form of coercion to exploit the employee. The policy should have included a provision that if the worker is terminated before the work permit expires that the employer would have to take care of the cost for repatriation to the country of origin. Also the employer should be held accountable if the employee becomes illegal. Some sort of a fine should be put in place.

Holland says no!!!

The discussions in Aruba with the Parliamentary delegation is not going as planned. In fact, Holland is telling both Curacao and St. Maarten that they are not ready. St. Maarten must admit that this is not a surprise. The Kingdom is responsible for good governance and as such they have to make sure that law and order is in place before any status change among other things.
We all must admit that for the past 10 years, laws have been stretched, corruption has been rampant, and the people have been neglected. We should all be happy that Holland is not just allowing the politicians to implement lackluster controls and ambiguous laws. Could you just imagine what chaos we would be in if the current gov't was allowed to continue to operate as they have been doing the last two terms.
If you ask this blogger, there are not enough measures put in place to guarantee proper governance. A few aspects that are not mentioned enough are, public financial records of incoming and outgoing Ministers and Senators, election finance reform (no public vote buying), small claims court, constituent electoral system etc.